This is quick SVN (Subversion) tip, howto remove added file from SVN repository without deleting file from local filesystem.

Remove File From SVN Repository and Keep Local File

svn delete --keep-local path/to/file.example

Real example:

svn delete --keep-local css/test.css
**Real world usage example** Adding a whole directory add a file that was not intended to SVN reads, but should be retained locally.
svn add css/
A         css
A         css/testing_styles.css
A         css/style.css

style.css is OK, but testing_styles.css should not be commited, but it should be kept on locally. Simply remove it from svn but keep it locally:

svn delete --keep-local css/testing_styles.css
D         css/testing_styles.css

File is deleted from SVN repository, but kept locally:

svn status
A       css
?       css/testing_styles.css
A       css/style.css