cURL: Check Nginx/Apache Compression (br, gzip, deflate) is Working
Table of Contents
This is a quick method to check with using cURL that Nginx/Apache (or any other web server) compression with Nginx ngx_http_gzip_module (gzip), Nginx google/ngx_brotli (br), Apache mod_brotli (br), Apache mod_gzip (gzip) and Apache mod_deflate (deflate) is working. Only the remote server headers are needed.
Check that the Nginx/Apache Compression is Working⌗
Get headers⌗
curl -s -I -H 'Accept-Encoding: br,gzip,deflate'
-s option silent, disable progress bar.
-I option which will make just HEAD request to server and get headers.
-H option add header for accept content-encoding br, gzip and deflate.
Check headers⌗
### Working ###
Content-Encoding: br
### Working ###
Content-Encoding: gzip
### Working ###
Content-Encoding: deflate
### Not working ###
If br, gzip or deflate found from Content-Encoding: headers then compression is working.
If you want just check example a gzip encoding, then run following command:⌗
curl -I -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip'
Simple BASH functions to check Nginx/Apache compression⌗
Add following functions to ~/.bashrc
Function to Check Brotli (br), Gzip and Deflate comperession⌗
function check_compression {
curl -s -I -H 'Accept-Encoding: br,gzip,deflate' $1 |grep -i "Content-Encoding"
Function to Check Just Gzip Compression⌗
function check_gzip_compression {
curl -s -I -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' $1 |grep -i "Content-Encoding"
Function usage⌗
[root ~]> check_compression
Content-Encoding: br
[root ~]> check_gzip_compression
Content-Encoding: gzip