This is huide howto install Chromium Browser on CentOS 6 / Red Hat (RHEL) 6. Move directly to Chromium install guide.
It’s true Google Says Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Is Obsolete and after latest update, Google Chrome won’t work anymore on CentOS 6/Red Hat (RHEL) 6. Someone might think that it’s time to change Firefox or Opera, but if you have get used to Google Chrome, then it might be hard.
First thing is good to make clear the difference between Chromium and Google Chrome. Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome. Biggest difference between Chromium and Google Chrome is that the Chromium is development version and Google Chrome is tested version of Chromium. A more detailed clarification differences between Chromium and Google Chrome can be found here.
Earlier I write guide, howto install Google Chrome (Stable, Beta or Unstable) on Fedora using YUM.