CentOS Stream 9/8, Red Hat (RHEL) 9.0/8.5, Rocky Linux 8.5 NVIDIA Restore Plymouth (BIOS/UEFI Users)

  1. Restore/Change/Update Plymouth After NVIDIA Drivers Installation (BIOS/UEFI Users) Please let me know if it works or if you have some problems. Check video version of guide: Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf 4.1 Create /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf file Create /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf with content “options nvidia_drm modeset=1” echo "options nvidia_drm modeset=1" >> /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf 4.2 Create /etc/dracut.conf.d/nvidia.conf file Create /etc/dracut.conf.d/nvidia.conf file with following content, note you need white spaces inside add_drivers and install_items:
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CentOS Stream 9/8, Red Hat (RHEL) 9.0/8.5, Rocky Linux 8.5 Uninstall NVIDIA drivers and Enable Nouveau

  1. CentOS Stream 9/8, Red Hat (RHEL) 9.0/8.5, Rocky Linux 8.5 Uninstall NVIDIA drivers and Enable Nouveau I assume here that you have used this guide install part to install your NVIDIA drivers. This whole process is good to run on runlevel 3. When there is no X running. So first boot to runlevel 3 using direct parameter (3) on Grub linux/linuxefi line or using “systemctl set-default multi-user.target”. 5.1 Change root user su - ## OR ## sudo -i 5.
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Install NVIDIA Drivers [560.28.03 / 555.58.02 / 550.100 / 535.183.01 / 470.256.02 / 390.157 / 340.108] on CentOS Stream 9/8, RHEL 9/8, Rocky Linux 8.5

This is guide, howto install NVIDIA proprietary drivers (manually using .run files) on CentOS Stream 9/8, Red Hat (RHEL) 9.0/8.5, Rocky Linux 8.5 and disable Nouveau driver. This guide works with GeForce 8/9/200/300/400/500/600/700/800/900/10/20/30/40 series cards. GeForce RTX 40 series cards works with 560.xx, 555.xx, 550.xx, 535.xx NVIDIA drivers, (RTX 4090, RTX 4080, RTX 4070 Ti, RTX 4070, RTX 4060 Ti, RTX 4060) GeForce RTX 30 series cards works with 560.
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CentOS Stream 9 Full Install Guide [Netinstall] / GNOME 40 Tour

This is full guide, howto install CentOS Stream 9 using minimal boot iso image. I install CentOS Stream 9 Workstation, but also CentOS Stream 9 Server installation is possible using exactly same method. I also use network installation (netinstall), but you can also download and use full CentOS Stream 9 DVD iso image. Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf
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CentOS Stream Netinstall Guide – CentOS 8 Stream Installation Screenshots

This is CentOS 8 Stream installation guide, step-by-step walkthrough with screenshots. The CentOS 8 is available for the following architectures Intel/AMD 64-bit IBM Power little endian ARM 64-bit Check video version of guide: Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf On this guide I use Anaconda Graphical Installer and CentOS 8 Stream DVD ISO. You can alternatively use Stream Boot ISO or 8.0.1905 medias.

  1. Before CentOS 8 Installation 1.
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CentOS 7.7 Netinstall Guide – Network Installation Screenshots

This step-by-step walkthrough with screenshots, howto install CentOS (The Community ENTerprise Operating System) 7.7 Linux with Network installation (NetInstall). CentOS 7.7 is released and it brings all Red Hat (RHEL) 7.7 goodness to all CentOS 7.7 users. Want just CentOS 7.7 Netinstall mirror URL? Goto CentOS 7.7 Netinstall URL

  1. Download CentOS 7.7 Net Install (NetInstall) image Select mirror here: CentOS 7.7 x86_64 version Select ISO image CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1804.iso Note: only 64-bit (x86_64) image is available.
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Install Oracle Java 8u191 on Fedora 29/28, CentOS/RHEL 7.5/6.10

This is guide, howto Install Oracle (Sun) Java JDK and JRE 8 update 191 (8u191) on Fedora 29/28/27/26, CentOS 7.5/6.10, Red Hat (RHEL) 7.5/6.10. If you’re looking installation instruction for older Oracle Java versions, then check Install Sun/Oracle Java JDK/JRE 7 on Fedora 24/23/22/21/20/19, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 7.2/6.9/5.11 or Install Sun/Oracle Java JDK/JRE 6 on Fedora 20/19/18, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 6.5/5.10. What’s new in Oracle Java 8 Java Programming Language Lambda Expressions, a new language feature Default methods enable new functionality to be added to the interfaces of libraries and ensure binary compatibility with code written for older versions of those interfaces Improved type inference.
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Install MariaDB 10.6/10.5 on Fedora 35/34, CentOS Stream 8/RHEL 8.5/Rocky Linux 8.5

MariaDB is a binary drop in replacement for MySQL database server. This means that for most cases, you can just uninstall MySQL and install MariaDB and you are good to go. Why MariaDB? MariaDB is totally open source version of MySQL It works just like MySQL and is compatible with MySQL setups Fedora and Red Hat/CentOS/Rocky Linux use MariaDB instead of MySQL This is guide, **howto install or upgrade MariaDB 10.
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Install Chromium on CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 6.7

This is huide howto install Chromium Browser on CentOS 6 / Red Hat (RHEL) 6. Move directly to Chromium install guide. It’s true Google Says Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Is Obsolete and after latest update, Google Chrome won’t work anymore on CentOS 6/Red Hat (RHEL) 6. Someone might think that it’s time to change Firefox or Opera, but if you have get used to Google Chrome, then it might be hard.
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YUM/DNF Remove Old Kernels on Fedora/CentOS/RHEL

This is quick guide howto delete/remove/clean old kernels on Fedora 28/27/26, CentOS 7.5/6.10, Red Hat (RHEL) 7.5/6.10. I use here two kernel as example, if you want to keep other more or less, then adjust amount of installed kernels as you wish. Normally reason why you maybe want remove kernels is limited disk space, example on VPS servers and laptop. This is very easy task.

  1. Check Installed Kernels and All Kernel Packages rpm -qa kernel* |sort -V kernel-4.
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Install Postgresql 15 on Fedora 38/37/36, CentOS/RHEL/Rocky Linux 9/8.5

This is guide, howto install PostgreSQL 15/14/13/12 database server on Fedora 38/37/36, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL)/Rocky Linux 9/8.5. This guide uses PostgreSQL own YUM repos, which are always up-to-date and stable releases are available instantly. You can use this guide to install any Postgresql versions, like 15, 14, 13, 12 etc. Check video guide howto install PostgreSQL 14/13/12 on Fedora 35/34 using PostgreSQL’s own dnf repo: Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf Check video guide howto install PostgreSQL 14/13/12 on Rocky Linux 8.
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PHP: APC Configuration and Usage Tips and Tricks

PHP APC (Alternative PHP Cache / Opcode Cache) is framework that optimizes PHP intermediate code and caches data and compiled code from the PHP bytecode compiler in shared memory. APC Opcode Cache is quickly becoming the de-facto standard PHP caching mechanism. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});PHP APC installation is very easy, example with Fedora / CentOS / Red Hat (RHEL) you can check following guides to see howto install it:
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Install Skype 8.97 on Fedora 38/37, CentOS/RHEL/SL 9/8

This is guide, howto install Skype 8.97 on Fedora 38/37/36 on CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL)/Scientific Linux (SL) 9/8. Check video version of guide: Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf 1. Install Skype 8.97 on Fedora 38/37/36 and CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 9/8 1.1 Download Skype 8.97 This downloads always latest version. cd ~/Downloads ## Skype 8.97 for Fedora/CentOS/RHEL/SL ## wget –trust-server-names https://go.skype.com/skypeforlinux-64.rpm 1.2 Change root user su - ## OR ## sudo -i 1.
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VI and VIM Syntax Highlighting on Fedora / CentOS / Red Hat (RHEL)

This is guide, howto enable Vi and Vim text editor syntax Highlighting on Fedora / CentOS / Red Hat (RHEL). Actually on Fedora, CentOS and Red Hat (RHEL) does only have Vim (Vi IMproved), but if you run vi command it works, because it runs small/minimal version of Vim, which is like original Vi. I have seen too many guides howto enable Vi/Vim syntax highlighting, which says that you can turn syntax highlighting on/off with using :syntax on and :syntax off.
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Install phpMyAdmin 4.3.10 on Fedora 21/20, CentOS/RHEL 6.6/5.11

This is guide, howto install phpMyAdmin 4.3.10 with Nginx or Apache on Fedora 21/20/19, CentOS 7/6.6/5.11 and Red Hat (RHEL) 7/6.6/5.11 servers. phpMyAdmin needs web server with PHP and MySQL database. This guide uses Apache web server with PHP 5.6 or Nginx web server with PHP 5.6 (PHP-FPM) and MySQL 5.6 database server or MariaDB 10/5.5 database server. You can also use your already installed versions of web server, PHP and MySQL.
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GRUB2 runlevel 3 - Howto Change runlevel on GRUB2

This is quick guide howto change runlevel on GRUB2. Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf Title says runlevel 3 (refer to changing runlevel from 5 to 3), but yes same method of course works, if you want to change runlevel from 3 to 5, from 5 to 1 or from 3 to 1. Whole process is actually add one additional boot parameter. This modification is not permanent, when you boot your system next time, it uses default parameters.
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Install LibreOffice 6.1/6.0 on Fedora 29/28, CentOS/RHEL 7.5

This is guide, howto to install LibreOffice 6.1.3 (or LibreOffice 6.0.7) on Fedora 29/28/27, CentOS 7.5 and Red Hat (RHEL) 7.5 using LibreOffice’s original RPM packages. This guide’s idea is offer one method to all LibreOffice versions and also one method to all Fedora 29/28/27, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 7.5 users.

  1. Download LibreOffice 6.1.3/6.0.7 Linux Package LibreOffice 6.1.3 64-bit version wget http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/6.1.3/rpm/x86_64/LibreOffice_6.1.3_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz LibreOffice 6.1.3 32-bit version wget http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/6.1.3/rpm/x86/LibreOffice_6.1.3_Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz LibreOffice 6.
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Upgrade to CentOS 6.7 from CentOS 6.6/6.5/6.4/6.3/6.2/6.1/6.0

CentOS 6.6 is released. This is quick guide, howto upgrade to CentOS 6.7 from CentOS 6.6/6.5/6.4/6.3/6.2/6.1/6.0. I have tested this method on multiple CentOS 6 (servers / desktops) and everything looks work fine after upgrade. Upgrade to CentOS 6.7 from CentOS 6.6/6.5/6.4/6.3/6.2/6.1/6.0 1. Change to root User su - ## OR ## sudo -i 2. Backup all important data Backup /etc diretory Backup important logs /var/log Backup web server configs and sites Dump MySQL databases Dump PostgreSQL databases Backup all what you need if something goes wrong 3.
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