Install Postgresql 15 on Fedora 38/37/36, CentOS/RHEL/Rocky Linux 9/8.5
Table of Contents
This is guide, howto install PostgreSQL 15/14/13/12 database server on Fedora 38/37/36, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL)/Rocky Linux 9/8.5. This guide uses PostgreSQL own YUM repos, which are always up-to-date and stable releases are available instantly. You can use this guide to install any Postgresql versions, like 15, 14, 13, 12 etc.
Check video guide howto install PostgreSQL 14/13/12 on Fedora 35/34 using PostgreSQL’s own dnf repo:⌗
Support inttf:
Check video guide howto install PostgreSQL 14/13/12 on Rocky Linux 8.5 using PostgreSQL’s own dnf repo:⌗
Support inttf:
Note: If you are upgrading PostgresSQL (from earlier version), then make sure that you backup (dump and copy) your database and configs.
1. Install PostgreSQL 15 Database Server on Fedora 38/37/36, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL)/Rocky Linux 9/8.5⌗
1.1 Change root user⌗
su -
## OR ##
sudo -i
1.2 Exclude Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat (RHEL) and Rocky Linux own PostgreSQL Packages⌗
This is important step to get PostgreSQL repository working properly. Exclude PostgreSQL packages from the repository of the distro.
Add exclude to /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo file [fedora] section:
Add exclude to /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo file [updates] section:
CentOS / Red Hat (RHEL) / Rocky Linux⌗
Disable postgresql module:
dnf -qy module disable postgresql
1.3 Install PostgreSQL 15 Repository⌗
1.3.1 Fedora 38/37/36⌗
## Fedora 38/37/36 ##
dnf install -y
1.3.2 CentOS/RHEL/Rocky Linux 9⌗
## CentOS/RHEL/Rocky Linux 9 - x86_64 - 64-bit ##
dnf install -y
1.3.3 CentOS/RHEL/Rocky Linux 8⌗
## CentOS/RHEL/Rocky Linux 8 - x86_64 - 64-bit ##
dnf install -y
1.4 Install PostgreSQL 15 using DNF⌗
## Fedora 38/37/36 ##
dnf install -y postgresql15 postgresql15-server
## Centos/RHEL/Rocky Linux 9/8 ##
dnf install -y postgresql15 postgresql15-server
2. Configure PostgreSQL 15⌗
2.1 Initialize Cluster with initdb Command⌗
## Fedora 38/37/36 and CentOS/RHEL/Rocky 9/8 ##
/usr/pgsql-15/bin/postgresql-15-setup initdb
2.2 Set PostgreSQL Server to Listen Addresses and Set Port⌗
Open /var/lib/pgsql/14/data/postgresql.conf file, and add/uncomment/modify following:
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5432
If you want just localhost setup, then use following:
listen_addresses = 'localhost'
port = 5432
Or if you want use specific ip, then use following:
listen_addresses = ''
port = 5432
2.3 Set PostgreSQL Permissions⌗
Modify PostgreSQL /var/lib/pgsql/14/data/pg_hba.conf (host-based authentication) file:
# Local networks
host all all xx.xx.xx.xx/xx scram-sha-256
# Example
host all all scram-sha-256
# Example 2
host test testuser scram-sha-256
You can find more examples and full guide from PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf manual.
2.4 Start PostgreSQL Server and Autostart PostgreSQL on Boot⌗
2.4.1 Fedora 38/37/36 and CentOS / Red Hat (RHEL) / Rocky Linux 9/8⌗
## Start PostgreSQL 15 ##
systemctl start postgresql-15.service
## Start PostgreSQL 15 on every boot ##
systemctl enable postgresql-15.service
2.5 Create Test Database and Create New User⌗
2.5.1 Change to postgres user⌗
su - postgres
2.5.2 Create test database (as postgres user)⌗
createdb test
2.5.3 Login test database (as postgres user)⌗
psql test
2.5.4 Create New “testuser” Role with Superuser and Password⌗
2.5.5 Test Connection from localhost (as Normal Linux User)⌗
psql -h localhost -U testuser test
3. Enable Remote Connections to PostgreSQL Server –> Open PostgreSQL Port (5432) on Iptables Firewall on Fedora 35/34/33 and CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL)/Rocky Linux 8.5⌗
3.1 List Your Active Firewalld Zones⌗
firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
Example output:
interfaces: wlp1s0
3.2 Add New Rule to Firewalld⌗
You might have active zone like public, FedoraWorkstation, FedoraServer.
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=postgresql
## OR ##
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=5432/tcp
3.3 Restart firewalld.service⌗
systemctl restart firewalld.service
4. Test remote connection⌗
psql -h dbserver_name_or_ip_address -U testuser -W test
Note: You have to allow remote connections on pg_hba.conf, check step 2.3 and PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf manual.