Howto Build GCC 13.2 on Fedora 40 using GCC 14

This is guide howto build older GCC using newer one in Fedora. Currently GCC 13 on Fedora 40 using GCC 14. This is needed for running NVIDIA CUDA on Fedora 40. Check video version of guide, howto build GCC 13 on Fedora 40 using GCC 14: Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf Build and Install GCC 13 on Fedora 40 using GCC 14 I use here sudo command for root user commands, if you don’t have/use sudo, then just use your root account directly.
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inttf-kernel - Clear Linux kernel for Fedora 36 users

This is a project I’ve been working on lately. Build Clear Linux kernel for Fedora users. All Clear Linux patches and almost full kernel config are working currently. Only minor changes to get modprobe, hostname, fbdev, etc. working on Fedora. This is currently still at testing stage and not recommend on any production environment(s). Also remember backup all important data! I have run several tests mainly using Phoronix Test Suite to see if there is any speed difference between original Fedora kernel and Clear Linux kernel on Fedora.
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CentOS Stream 9 Full Install Guide [Netinstall] / GNOME 40 Tour

This is full guide, howto install CentOS Stream 9 using minimal boot iso image. I install CentOS Stream 9 Workstation, but also CentOS Stream 9 Server installation is possible using exactly same method. I also use network installation (netinstall), but you can also download and use full CentOS Stream 9 DVD iso image. Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf
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Rocky Linux 8.5 Netinstall – Server / Workstation Network Install Guide

This is quick guide howto install Rocky Linux 8 (currently 8.5) on real PC. I use here Rocky-8.5-x86_64-boot.iso just boot installer and then run install from fresh repo packages. Same method works for users with full DVD image (Rocky-8.5-x86_64-dvd1.iso) or minimal image (Rocky-8.5-x86_64-minimal.iso). Check video version of guide: Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf The commands used in the video: 1. Download Rocky Linux 8 (Rocky-8.
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Fedora 33 Workstation Installation Guide / Tour / Review

This is quick guide / tour howto install Fedora 33 Workstation / Desktop on real PC. First create your bootable USB flash drive using Fedora Media Writer, dd or similar tool. Just testing stable Fedora 33 release and everything works very smooth, even btrfs file system, which replaces ext4 as a default file system. Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf
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Fedora 28 Workstation Install Guide

This is guide with screenshots, howto install Fedora 28 (F28) using Live DVD or Live USB. Fedora 28 Installation can be done also with using Fedora NetInstall (Net Install) with gPXE and BFO (

  1. Before Fedora 28 Installation 1.1 Download Fedora 28 Live DVD/USB Image Download Fedora 28 here. Select your version, Fedora 28 Workstation, (Fedora 28 Server). On this guide I use Fedora 28 Workstation 64-bit. 1.2 Burn Fedora 28 Image to DVD, Create Live USB or use image directly and Boot Computer Using Fedora 28 Installation Media Remember to check Fedora 28 image MD5 sum and then burn image to DVD, create Live USB example with liveusb-creator, dd or use directly on virtual environment.
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Fedora 27 Workstation Install Guide

This is guide with screenshots, howto install Fedora 27 (F27) using Live DVD or Live USB. Fedora 27 Installation can be done also with using Fedora NetInstall (Net Install) with gPXE and BFO (

  1. Before Fedora 27 Installation 1.1 Download Fedora 27 Live DVD/USB Image Download Fedora 27 here. Select your version, Fedora 27 Workstation, (Fedora 27 Server). On this guide I use Fedora 27 Workstation 64-bit. 1.2 Burn Fedora 27 Image to DVD, Create Live USB or use image directly and Boot Computer Using Fedora 27 Installation Media Remember to check Fedora 27 image MD5 sum and then burn image to DVD, create Live USB example with liveusb-creator, dd or use directly on virtual environment.
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Fedora 26 Netinstall / Server Install Guide

This is guide with screenshots, howto install Fedora 26 (F26) Server using Fedora Netinstall image. This same Fedora Netinstall method work for desktop installation too. Desktop is possible select Software Selection step.

  1. Before Fedora 26 Installation 1.1 Download Fedora 26 Netinstall Image Download Fedora 23 here. Select Fedora 26 Netinstall image. On this guide I use server install image. 1.2 Burn Fedora 26 Image to CD/DVD, Create Live USB or use image directly and boot computer using Fedora 26 Network Installation Media Remember to check Fedora 26 image MD5 sum and then burn image to DVD, create Live USB example with liveusb-creator, dd or use directly on virtual environment.
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Fedora 23 Install Guide

This is guide with screenshots, howto install Fedora 23 (F23) using Live DVD or Live USB. Fedora 23 Installation can be done also with using Fedora NetInstall (Net Install) with gPXE and BFO (

  1. Before Fedora 23 Installation 1.1 Download Fedora 23 Live DVD/USB Image Download Fedora 23 here. Select your version, Fedora 23 Workstation, Fedora 23 Server or Fedora 23 Cloud. On this guide I use Fedora 23 Workstation 64-bit.
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Fedora 22 Install Guide

This is guide with screenshots, howto install Fedora 22 (F22) using Live DVD or Live USB. Fedora 22 Installation can be done also with using Fedora NetInstall (Net Install) with gPXE and BFO (

  1. Before Fedora 22 Installation 1.1 Download Fedora 22 Live DVD/USB Image Download Fedora 22 here. Select your version, Fedora 22 Workstation, Fedora 22 Server or Fedora 22 Cloud. On this guide I use Fedora 22 Workstation 64-bit.
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Fedora 21 Install Guide

This is guide with screenshots, howto install Fedora 21 (F21) using Live DVD or Live USB. Fedora 21 Installation can be done also with using Fedora NetInstall (Net Install) with gPXE and BFO ( Fedora 21 is “nameless” release, no code name, like Heisenbug (F20), Schrödinger’s Cat (F19), Spherical Cow (F18), Beefy Miracle (F17) and Verne (F16).

  1. Before Fedora 21 Installation 1.1 Download Fedora 21 Live DVD/USB Image Download Fedora 21 here.
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