Linux: Fix Mozilla Firefox Flickering with NVIDIA + Wayland

This is quick guide howto fix Mozilla Firefox Flickering problem with NVIDIA + Wayland on Linux. Check video guide, howto fix Mozilla Firefox Flickering problem with NVIDIA + Wayland on Linux: Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf Fix NVIDIA + Wayland Mozilla Firefox Flickering 1. Add Following Environment Variables export MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 export __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia
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Install Oracle Java 8u191 on Fedora 29/28, CentOS/RHEL 7.5/6.10

This is guide, howto Install Oracle (Sun) Java JDK and JRE 8 update 191 (8u191) on Fedora 29/28/27/26, CentOS 7.5/6.10, Red Hat (RHEL) 7.5/6.10. If you’re looking installation instruction for older Oracle Java versions, then check Install Sun/Oracle Java JDK/JRE 7 on Fedora 24/23/22/21/20/19, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 7.2/6.9/5.11 or Install Sun/Oracle Java JDK/JRE 6 on Fedora 20/19/18, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 6.5/5.10. What’s new in Oracle Java 8 Java Programming Language Lambda Expressions, a new language feature Default methods enable new functionality to be added to the interfaces of libraries and ensure binary compatibility with code written for older versions of those interfaces Improved type inference.
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Install Firefox 26 on Fedora 20/19, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 6.5

Mozilla Firefox 26 is released and this is guide, howto install Firefox 26 on Fedora 20/19/18/17/16, CentOS 6.5/6.4/6.3/6.2/6.1/6 and Red Hat (RHEL) 6.5/6.4/6.3/6.2/6.1/6 using YUM. Firefox 17 ESR (Extended Support Release) is currently available on CentOS 6.5/5.10 and Red Hat (RHEL) 6.5/5.10 own repos, so with this guide you can also install Firefox 17 ESR on CentOS 5.10 and Red Hat (RHEL) 5.10. What’s new in Firefox 26 All Java plug-ins are defaulted to ‘click to play’ Password manager now supports script-generated password fields Support for H.
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Install Firefox 6 on Fedora 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11

Mozilla Firefox 6 is released and this is guide, howto install Firefox 6 on Fedora 15, Fedora 14, Fedora 13, Fedora 12 and Fedora 11 using YUM. This is not big deal for Fedora 15 users, because Firefox 6 found on update repos, but this is good for older Fedora users. What’s new in Firefox 6 The address bar now highlights the domain of the website you’re visiting Support for the latest draft version of WebSockets with a prefixed API Support for EventSource / Server-sent events Support for window.
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Install Firefox 5 on Fedora 15/14/13

New Guide, Howto Install Firefox 6 on Fedora 15/14/13/12/11 >> Mozilla Firefox 5 is released and this is guide, howto install Firefox 5 on Fedora 15, Fedora 14 and Fedora 13 using YUM. It’s important to take backups of all Firefox profiles before install, because this major version upgrade and can behave in any unpredictable way. What’s new in Firefox 5 Support for CSS animations The Do-Not-Track header preference has been moved to increase discoverability Tuned HTTP idle connection logic for increased performance Improved canvas, JavaScript, memory, and networking performance Improved standards support for HTML5, XHR, MathML, SMIL, and canvas Improved spell checking for some locales Improved desktop environment integration for Linux users Read full details from Firefox 5 release notes.
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Install Oracle Java 7u79/80 on Fedora 24/23, CentOS/RHEL 7.2/6.8/5.11

Please note: This guide still working normally if you want install Sun/Oracle Java 7, but if you want Java 8 version, then check Install Oracle Java JDK/JRE 8 on Fedora, CentOS/RHEL. This is guide, howto Install Sun/Oracle Java JDK and JRE 7 CPU (7u79) and PSU (7u80) on Fedora 24/23/22/21/20/19/18/17/16/15/14/13/12, CentOS 7.2/6.8/5.11, Red Hat (RHEL) 7.2/6.8/5.11. Read more, what is difference between CPU and PSU release. If you’re looking instruction for Sun/Oracle Java JDK/JRE version 6 installation on Fedora 20/19/18, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 6.
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Install Firefox 4 on Fedora 14, Fedora 13/12 – Screenshots

Mozilla Firefox 4 is released and this is guide, howto install Firefox 4 smoothly on Fedora 14, Fedora 13 and Fedora 12 using YUM. It’s important to take backups of all Firefox profiles before install, because this major version upgrade and can behave in any unpredictable way. What’s new in Firefox 4 New HTML5 parser Support for more HTML5 form controls Native support for the HD HTML5 WebM video format Crash protection – when there is a crash in the Adobe Flash, Apple Quicktime or Microsoft Silverlight plugins Web developers can animate content using CSS Transitions New Addons Manager and extension management API Full WebGL support – is included but disabled by default at this time Read full details from Firefox 4 release notes.
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Install Sun/Oracle Java JDK/JRE 6u45 on Fedora 19/18, CentOS/RHEL 6.4/5.9

Please note: This guide still working normally if you want install Sun/Oracle Java 6, but if you want Java 8 version, then check Install Oracle Java JDK/JRE 8 on Fedora, CentOS/RHEL or if you want Java 7 version, then check Howto Install Sun/Oracle Java JDK/JRE 7 on Fedora, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL). By default, Fedora 19/18/17/16/15/14/13/12 and CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 6.4/6.3/6.2/6.1/6/5.9 Linux operating systems use the OpenJDK Java, which is a good choice for normal use and it works with almost all the Java programs normally.
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Install Mozilla Firefox 3.6 (3.6.13) on Fedora Linux

This is guide, howto install Mozilla Firefox 3.6 versions (currently 3.6.13) on Fedora 12 using Yum. Firefox 3.6 stable installation works also with older Fedora Linux versions, like f11, f10. Note: Fedora 13 and Fedora 14 already has Firefox 3.6 as default browser Install Mozilla Firefox 3.6 Stable Version on Fedora Linux Using Remi Repository 1. Change to root User su - ## OR ## sudo -i 2. Enable Remi Repository ## Fedora 12 rpm -Uvh http://rpms.
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Google search from Linux and UNIX command line

Today I started thinking that how cool is do some Google searches straight from command line. First I try to find some ready tricks from the Internet, but I couldn’t find quickly anything good. So I decide do a simple Bash function that can take Google search as parameter and open Firefox Browser (tab) with Google search. Sounds easy… :) First we need Google search URL without search parameter and it looks like this:
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