Linux: Fix Mozilla Firefox Flickering with NVIDIA + Wayland

This is quick guide howto fix Mozilla Firefox Flickering problem with NVIDIA + Wayland on Linux. Check video guide, howto fix Mozilla Firefox Flickering problem with NVIDIA + Wayland on Linux: Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf Fix NVIDIA + Wayland Mozilla Firefox Flickering 1. Add Following Environment Variables export MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 export __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia
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Fedora 40/39 Switch Desktop and Display Manager (GNOME to KDE)

This is quick guide howto switch desktop from GNOME 46 to KDE Plasma 6 and display manager GDM to SDDM. I use here GNOME and KDE as example, same method works from KDE to GNOME or GNOME to XFCE, etc. Check video guide, howto switch desktop from GNOME 46 to KDE Plasma 6 on Fedora 40: Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf Install KDE Plasma 6 on Fedora 40 1.
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Build and Setup Qt6 on Debian 12 / Ubuntu 24.04

  1. Build, install and setup Qt6 Build Qt6 using kdesrc-build. 3.1 Add qt-install-dir to ~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc [normal user] Modify ~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc and add qt-install-dir row to global section. global qt-install-dir ~/kde/usr branch-group kf6-qt6 # Finds and includes KDE-based dependencies into the build. This makes … end global 3.2 Install needed dependencies [root] Enable backports repo deb bookworm-backports main contrib non-free apt update Install depencies apt install libb2-dev libproxy-dev libmd4c-dev libmd4c-html0-dev libxcb-xinput-dev \ libatspi2.
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Install kdesrc-build on Debian 12 / Ubuntu 24.04

  1. Install kdesrc-build on Debian Trixie 12 / Sid and Ubuntu You will need two consoles another root and another normal user. Whole kdesrc-build will run under normal user account, but you will need lot of dependencies to get everything up and running. Check step title to see is command meant to run as [normal user] or [root]. 2.1 Install git [root] apt install git 2.2 Setup git [normal user] git config –global user.
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KDE 6 on Debian 12 and Ubuntu 20.24 (kdesrc-build)

Official KDE Plasma 6 for Debian and Ubuntu is coming later. This is guide howto build KDE Plasma 6 now and run it as your desktop environment. This is actually a bit more than just building exact KDE Plasma 6 Desktop, this is your Swiss Army Knife to build latest KDE packages when you want and survival pack to help you live on bleeding edge, even if official KDE 6 is published.
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Solarized Linux

I like very much Ethan Schoonover Solarized color palette. So I decided write a guide, howto get Solarized colors to most commonly used Linux terminals (Gnome-Terminal, Konsole, XFCE Terminal, Mate-Terminal), Text editors (Gedit, Vim) and IDEs (Eclipse, NetBeans). These are not my projects, so the greatest honor belongs, of course, these projects owners and Ethan Schoonover.

  1. Install Needed Tools (git, mercurial, 7-zip) 2. Create and Change to Solarized Directory 3.
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Install, Configure and Use Gnome Do – Docky on Fedora 12 Linux

What is Gnome Do? GNOME Do (Do) is an intelligent launcher tool that allows users to use the keyboard to rapidly perform tasks such as launching applications, manipulating files and data, running scripts, or sending e-mail. It is similar to the applications GNOME Launch Box (Linux Gnome), KRunner (Linux KDE), Quicksilver (Mac OS X), LaunchBar (Mac OS X) and Butler (Mac OS X). What is Gnome Do – Docky? Gnome Do – Docky is a nice frontend for GNOME Do (Do) which introduces an entirely new way to use Gnome Do.
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Howto Install KDE 4.4 or Update to KDE 4.4 on Fedora 12 Linux

Updated 26.2.2010, Read First Currently, the latest version of the KDE desktop in Fedora is 4.3.5. I had some problems with its stability, so I decided to try out, how will work KDE 4.4.0 the latest stable version of KDE. At first I tried to install KDE 4.4 from Rawhide repository, but it failed to install from there. Here is instructions on how to install KDE 4.4 successfully using RPMFusion and KDE Packaging Project Repositories.
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Linux: Enable Laptop Touchpad Vertical Scrolling and Tapping from Command Line

I noticed that the Fedora Linux with KDE desktop, has reasonably poor support for laptop touchpad adjustment. For example, the KDE > System Settings > Keyboard & Mouse > Mouse options will not be able to enable vertical scrolling and touchpad tapping. So I decided to write this short guide, howto enable Touchpad vertical scrolling and tapping from command line without any GUI. Enable Laptop Touchpad Vertical Scrolling Simply write following on command line:
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