Linux: Fix Mozilla Firefox Flickering with NVIDIA + Wayland

This is quick guide howto fix Mozilla Firefox Flickering problem with NVIDIA + Wayland on Linux. Check video guide, howto fix Mozilla Firefox Flickering problem with NVIDIA + Wayland on Linux: Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf Fix NVIDIA + Wayland Mozilla Firefox Flickering 1. Add Following Environment Variables export MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 export __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia
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Install Thunderbird 3.1 (3.1.7) on Fedora 14, Fedora 13, Fedora 12

Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1 is released June 24, 2010. Thunderbird 3.1 found on Fedora 14 and Fedora 13, but this version is not coming in earlier Fedora releases. So I decide to write guide, howto install Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1 (currently 3.1.7) on Fedora 14, Fedora 13 and Fedora 12 and even earlier releases, which has reach “End Of Life” Fedora 11 and even Fedora 10. What’s new in Thunderbird 3.1 Thunderbird 3.
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Install Mozilla Firefox 3.6 (3.6.13) on Fedora Linux

This is guide, howto install Mozilla Firefox 3.6 versions (currently 3.6.13) on Fedora 12 using Yum. Firefox 3.6 stable installation works also with older Fedora Linux versions, like f11, f10. Note: Fedora 13 and Fedora 14 already has Firefox 3.6 as default browser Install Mozilla Firefox 3.6 Stable Version on Fedora Linux Using Remi Repository 1. Change to root User su - ## OR ## sudo -i 2. Enable Remi Repository ## Fedora 12 rpm -Uvh http://rpms.
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