Building GNOME 40 / GNOME latest using JHBuild on Debian / Ubuntu

  1. Building Gnome 40 using JHBuild on Debian / Ubuntu 4.1 JHBuild list modules [normal user] jhbuild list gettext yelp-xsl python3-setuptools python3-lxml meson yelp-tools python3-pygments gtk-doc glib cairo python3-markdown gobject-introspection … pipewire mutter sassc gnome-shell gnome-shell-extensions appstream libxmlb malcontent fwupd gnome-software gtkmm-3 gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gnome-user-docs gnome-user-share gnome-weather speech-dispatcher orca rygel simple-scan sushi totem yelp meta-inttf-gnome 4.2 JHBuild build modules [normal user] Build whole meta-inttf-gnome. jhbuild build ## If you want use your PC same time, then run this command with limited memory, like ## systemd-run –scope -p MemoryMax=11G jhbuild build 4.
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Possible Error messages when building GNOME latest using JHBuild on Debian / Ubuntu

  1. Error messages and solutions I will collect here some common error messages and solutions. Following is simple network error, this is not uncommon at all. Just press [1] Rerun phase checkout. *** Checking out pixman *** [10/168] git clone pixman Cloning into 'pixman'… fatal: unable to access '': Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out *** Error during phase checkout of pixman: ########## Error running git clone https://gitlab.
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Run GNOME 40 / GNOME latest using JHBuild on Debian / Ubuntu

  1. Run Gnome 40 using JHBuild on Debian / Ubuntu You will need following files. 6.1 Create /usr/local/bin/gnome-session-jhbuild file [root] All credits to Florian Müllner. Add following content to /usr/local/bin/gnome-session-jhbuild #!/bin/sh # # All credit to fmuellner! # set -x jhbuild() { /home/inttf/.local/bin/jhbuild "$@" } export $(jhbuild run env | grep JHBUILD_PREFIX= | sed 's:\r::') USER_UNIT_DIR=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/user.control if [ ! -e $USER_UNIT_DIR ] then # Pick up systemd units defined in jhbuild ln -s $JHBUILD_PREFIX/lib/systemd/user $USER_UNIT_DIR systemctl –user daemon-reload fi DBUS_SERVICE_DIR=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/dbus-1 rm -rf $DBUS_SERVICE_DIR if [ !
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Building GNOME 40 / GNOME latest using JHBuild on Debian / Ubuntu

  1. Building Gnome 40 using JHBuild on Debian / Ubuntu 4.1 JHBuild list modules [normal user] jhbuild list gettext yelp-xsl python3-setuptools python3-lxml meson yelp-tools python3-pygments gtk-doc glib cairo python3-markdown gobject-introspection … pipewire mutter sassc gnome-shell gnome-shell-extensions appstream libxmlb malcontent fwupd gnome-software gtkmm-3 gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gnome-user-docs gnome-user-share gnome-weather speech-dispatcher orca rygel simple-scan sushi totem yelp meta-inttf-gnome 4.2 JHBuild build modules [normal user] Build whole meta-inttf-gnome. jhbuild build ## If you want use your PC same time, then run this command with limited memory, like ## systemd-run –scope -p MemoryMax=11G jhbuild build 4.
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GNOME 40.3 on Debian / Ubuntu - JHBuild GNOME Latest

Official GNOME 40 for Debian and Ubuntu is coming. This is guide howto build GNOME 40.3 now and run it as your desktop environment. This is actually a bit more than just building exact GNOME 40 Desktop, this is your Swiss Army Knife to build latest GNOME packages when you want and survival pack to help you live on bleeding edge. GNOME 40 is, of course, a major release, but also all minor releases GNOME 40.
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Install All Needed Dependencies to Build GNOME 40 / GNOME latest on Debian / Ubuntu

  1. Install all needed dependencies and other things necessary for using JHBuild to build GNOME 3.1 Clone inttf modulesets [normal user] You can of course build original modulesets too, but this will fail and you have to figure out howto fix all errors. I use here currently GNOME 40.3 packages from /pub/GNOME/teams/releng/40.3/ and I have fixed and patched all packages to build and compile now: cd ~/jhbuild/modulesets git clone https://[email protected]/inttf/inttf-jhbuild-gnome.git 3.
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Install JHBuild on Debian / Ubuntu

  1. Install JHBuild on Debian Bullseye 11 / Sid and Ubuntu 21.04 / 21.10 You will need two consoles another root and another normal user. Whole JHBuild will run under normal user account, but you will need lot of dependencies to get everything up and running. Check step title is command meant to run as [normal user] or [root]. 2.1 Check python3 version Should be >= 3.5 python3 –version 2.2 Install git and other build tools [root] apt install git make autoconf automake gettext yelp-tools autopoint gcc pkg-config 2.
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Possible Error messages when building GNOME latest using JHBuild on Debian / Ubuntu

  1. Error messages and solutions I will collect here some common error messages and solutions. Following is simple network error, this is not uncommon at all. Just press [1] Rerun phase checkout. *** Checking out pixman *** [10/168] git clone pixman Cloning into 'pixman'… fatal: unable to access '': Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out *** Error during phase checkout of pixman: ########## Error running git clone https://gitlab.
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Run GNOME 40 / GNOME latest using JHBuild on Debian / Ubuntu

  1. Run Gnome 40 using JHBuild on Debian / Ubuntu You will need following files. 6.1 Create /usr/local/bin/gnome-session-jhbuild file [root] All credits to Florian Müllner. Add following content to /usr/local/bin/gnome-session-jhbuild #!/bin/sh # # All credit to fmuellner! # set -x jhbuild() { /home/inttf/.local/bin/jhbuild "$@" } export $(jhbuild run env | grep JHBUILD_PREFIX= | sed 's:\r::') USER_UNIT_DIR=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/user.control if [ ! -e $USER_UNIT_DIR ] then # Pick up systemd units defined in jhbuild ln -s $JHBUILD_PREFIX/lib/systemd/user $USER_UNIT_DIR systemctl –user daemon-reload fi DBUS_SERVICE_DIR=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/dbus-1 rm -rf $DBUS_SERVICE_DIR if [ !
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