Nano Text Editor and nanorc Tips and Tricks

Nano is easy to use and lightweight command line text editor for Linux and UNIX systems. Nano text editor can use either the default settings or improve settings with customized nanorc-file. Here are some tips that can improve the usability of Nano. Changes can be made to nanorc file, either locally or to all users or options can be used as command line options. First is good to check Nano compiled options, with command:
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Microsoft Word doc documents handling on Linux command line with Antiword

Sometimes it is convenient and necessary to deal with Microsoft Word doc documents directly on Linux command line. MS Word documents handling directly from the Linux command line is possible with Antiword program. Anti-Word is a small, easy to use and lightweight command line program that can convert Microsoft Word documents to PDF, PostScript, and XML. For example, the following situations Antiword is a very useful tool: MS Word document can be read from a remote server easily and quickly.
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