This is guide, howto install plugins on Eclipse 3.6 SDK. This guide shows howto install PDT (PHP Development Tools), CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling), Javascript Development Tools, Ruby Development Tools (including Ruby on Rails framework) and Eclipse MarketPlace.
This guide shows PDT, JavaScript, CDT, Ruby and MarketPlace install as an example, but same methods can be used for installing anything from Helios Repository.
Install PDT, JavaScript, CDT, Ruby and MarketPlace Plugins on Eclipse 3.
Nano is easy to use and lightweight command line text editor for Linux and UNIX systems. Nano text editor can use either the default settings or improve settings with customized nanorc-file. Here are some tips that can improve the usability of Nano. Changes can be made to nanorc file, either locally or to all users or options can be used as command line options.
First is good to check Nano compiled options, with command: