
This is quick guide howto install and configure miracle-wm.

miracle-wm is a Wayland compositor based on Mir. It features a tiling window manager at its core, very much in the style of i3 and sway. The intention is to build a compositor that is flashier and more feature-rich than either of those compositors, like swayfx.

Check video guide, howto install and configure miracle-wm on Fedora 40:

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Install miracle-wm on Fedora 40

1. Change root user

su -

## OR ##

sudo -i

2. Install miracle-wm

dnf install miracle-wm

3. Install wofi, swaybg and waybar

dnf install wofi swaybg waybar

4. Basic/example configuration for miracle-wm, wofi, swaybg and waybar

I use this configuration on my Youtube video, add this to: ~/.config/miracle-wm.yaml

terminal: konsole

  - command: wofi --show drun --allow-images
  - command: waybar
    restart_on_death: true
  - command: swaybg -i /usr/share/wallpapers/Next/contents/images_dark/1920x1080.png
    restart_on_death: true

  - command: wofi --show drun --allow-images
    action: down
        - primary
    key: KEY_D

5. Screenshot Fedora 40, miracle-wm, waybar, wofi, swaybg and NVIDIA + wayland

Fedora 40, miracle-wm, waybar, wofi, swaybg and NVIDIA + wayland

6. Support inttf

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Thats all!