Howto Install KDE 4.4 or Update to KDE 4.4 on Fedora 12 Linux

Updated 26.2.2010, Read First Currently, the latest version of the KDE desktop in Fedora is 4.3.5. I had some problems with its stability, so I decided to try out, how will work KDE 4.4.0 the latest stable version of KDE. At first I tried to install KDE 4.4 from Rawhide repository, but it failed to install from there. Here is instructions on how to install KDE 4.4 successfully using RPMFusion and KDE Packaging Project Repositories.
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Howto Install ATI Drivers (Mesa 3D DRI Experimental) on Fedora 12 Linux

Fedora 13 Users check Fedora 13 ATI Drivers Guide » Like all ATI and Fedora users probably already knows, currently AMD’s ATI Catalyst 10.2 proprietary Linux display drivers are not working on Fedora 12. That is why I decided to write this guide for those who are fighting with ATI drivers in Fedora. As Fedora 12 release notes says: Improvements for graphics support – Introduces experimental 3D support for AMD Radeon HD 2400 and later graphics cards.
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Howto Install Gnome Shell with YUM on Fedora 12 Linux

What is Gnome Shell? GNOME Shell is the defining technology of the GNOME 3 desktop user experience. It provides following core interface functions: Launching applications Opening files Switching between open windows Adding and deleting workspaces Moving windows between workspaces Dynamic system-related information display (including transient notifications) Providing a flat list of user-account related actions Logging out or switching the session, and stopping or restarting the machine GNOME Shell takes advantage of the capabilities of modern graphics hardware and introduces innovative user interface concepts to provide a delightful and easy to use experience.
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Install, Configure and Use Gnome Do – Docky on Fedora 12 Linux

What is Gnome Do? GNOME Do (Do) is an intelligent launcher tool that allows users to use the keyboard to rapidly perform tasks such as launching applications, manipulating files and data, running scripts, or sending e-mail. It is similar to the applications GNOME Launch Box (Linux Gnome), KRunner (Linux KDE), Quicksilver (Mac OS X), LaunchBar (Mac OS X) and Butler (Mac OS X). What is Gnome Do – Docky? Gnome Do – Docky is a nice frontend for GNOME Do (Do) which introduces an entirely new way to use Gnome Do.
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Install MongoDB 2.4.4 on Fedora 18/17, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 6.4/5.9

What is MongoDB? MongoDB (from “humongous”) is a scalable, high-performance, open source, schema-free, document-oriented database. Written in C++. MongoDB bridges the gap between key-value stores (which are fast and highly scalable) and traditional RDBMS systems (which provide structured schemas and powerful queries). MongoDB is very interesting document-oriented database, because it has really awesome features: Document-oriented storage (the simplicity and power of JSON-like data schemas) Dynamic queries Full index support, extending to inner-objects and embedded arrays Query profiling Fast, in-place updates Efficient storage of binary data large objects (e.
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Install PHP MongoDB (mongo) Driver on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, UNIX, BSD

PHP MongoDB (Mongo Database) Driver Installation on Linux, UNIX, BSD and Mac OS X MongoDB PHP driver is very simple install on Linux, UNIX, BSD and Mac OS X. You need just PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository) with PECL repository. Normally PHP development (dev) package and PHP Pear package installation from package management system is enough to get PEAR working. Also go-pear.php script can be used. Check that the PEAR and PECL are working with the following commands:
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CentOS 5.11 Netinstall – Network Installation

CentOS 7 is released, check CentOS 7.1 Netinstall guide. CentOS 6 is released, check CentOS 6.7 Netinstall guide. If the purpose is to upgrade from an older version of CentOS to CentOS 5.11 then read following guide: Upgrade to CentOS 5.11 From 5.10 (5.9, 5.8, 5.7, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0) guide This is CentOS (The Community ENTerprise Operating System) 5.11 Linux Network installation (NetInstall) step-by-step walkthrough with screenshots.
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Adobe Flash Player 32 on Fedora 32/31, CentOS/RHEL 8.0/7.7

This is guide, howto install Adobe Flash Player Plugin version 32 (32-bit and 64-bit) with YUM/DNF on Fedora 32/31/30/29, CentOS 8.0/7.7/6.10 and Red Hat (RHEL) 8.0/7.7/6.10. Currently only Firefox is supported and you need firefox-x11 launcher or fallback to x11. Wayland and Google Chrome/Chromium is not supported anymore. Install Adobe Flash Player Plugin 32 Fedora 32/31/30/29, CentOS 8.0/7.7/6.10 and Red Hat (RHEL) 8.0/7.7/6.10 1. Change Root User sudo -i ## OR ## su - 2.
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Install Adobe Reader on Fedora 34/33, CentOS/RHEL 8.3

This is guide shows, howto install Adobe Reader (Acrobat PDF Reader) current version 9.5.5 RPM on Fedora 34/33, CentOS 8.3, Red Hat (RHEL) 8.3. This method works on 64-bit architectures. Check video version of guide: Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf 1. Change Root User sudo -i ## OR ## su - 2. Get Adobe Reader RPM package cd /tmp ## English version ## wget http://ardownload.
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Install Adobe AIR 1.5 and 2 on Fedora 13, CentOS 5.5 and Red Hat (RHEL) 5.5

This guide shows, howto install Adobe AIR on Fedora 12, Fedora 13, CentOS 5.5, Red Hat (RHEL) 5.5 and Red Hat (RHEL) 6. This method works on both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. This guide also shows howto use Adobe AIR Application Installer and install TweetDeck. What is adobe AIR? Adobe AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) is a cross-platform runtime environment for building rich Internet applications as a desktop applications, using existing HTML, Ajax, Adobe Flash or Adobe Flex.
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Best Google Chrome Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Extensions

Here is a list of the best Google Chrome Search Engine Optimization (SEO) extensions (plugins). Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Extensions Chrome SEO The Google Chrome SEO Extension. Make your SEO tasks easier with Chrome SEO Tools, includes ‘all’ the stats and data you need. Install Extension SEO Status Pagerank/Alexa Toolbar SEO Status is lightweight. It will check the Google Pagerank (PR) & Alexa rank for every page. Using this will increase your Alexa.
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This new design (using Arras Theme) has just been published and will still develop, so any comments and opinions are very welcome. In my opinion, the new layout is much lighter and clearer. Also blog’s content is intended to bring out clearer for blog readers and users. Please leave comment and tell your opinion! Old layout screenshot: New layout screenshot:
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PHP mb_ucfirst Make a String’s First Character Uppercase-Multibyte (UTF-8) Function

PHP’s ucfirst function is very usefull when you want to change words first letters to uppercase and other letters to lowercase. Currently on PHP does not have a multibyte (UTF-8) version of ucfirst function. So I decided write my own multibyte mb_ucfirst function. Perhaps the multibyte version of ucfirst function is added later on PHP, so that’s why is better add this function only if it does not already exist.
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PostgreSQL Sleep Function pg_sleep – Postgres Delay Execution

One day, I was looking for PostgreSQL database function, which could delay the execution of queries. At first I thought that I will do one myself, because I do not remember ever seen this kind function. But then I found pg_sleep Postgres function which directly delay execution of the server process. pg_sleep makes the current session’s process sleep until seconds seconds have elapsed. Seconds is a value of type double precision, so fractional-second delays can be specified.
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PostgreSQL: Select a Random Number in a Range (Between Two Numbers)

This is quick tip howto select a random number in a range. Example random number between 1-100 (>= 1 and random() function, which returns random value between 0-1. Following example selects 5 random values using generate_series() function: SELECT random() FROM generate_series(1,5); random ——————- 0.595817462075502 0.350072300527245 0.989073566626757 0.700899163261056 0.940509075298905 (5 rows) Next thing to todo is convert random function values to real float values in a range 1-100: SELECT random() * 99 + 1 FROM generate_series(1,5); ?
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SVN Remove Added File From Repository and Keep Local File – Subversion

This is quick SVN (Subversion) tip, howto remove added file from SVN repository without deleting file from local filesystem. Remove File From SVN Repository and Keep Local File svn delete –keep-local path/to/file.example Real example: svn delete –keep-local css/test.css Real world usage example Adding a whole directory add a file that was not intended to SVN reads, but should be retained locally. svn add css/ A css A css/testing_styles.css A css/style.
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Fedora 13 Goddard – What’s New, Overview, Features, Screenshots

Fedora 13 is released. This is overview, what’s new features found on new Fedora 13 release. Main Software Updates, Changes and Features New Software Shotwell – Open source photo manager for GNOME Deja-dup – Déjà Dup (day-ja-doop) is a simple backup tool. It hides the complexity of doing backups the Right Way (encrypted, off-site, and regular) and uses duplicity as the backend. Pino – Twitter and client for Linux desktop Simple Scan – Simple Scanning Utility New Software Versions
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tint2 Panel/Taskbar/Task Manager on Fedora 16/15 (Gnome 3)

This is simple guide, howto install tint2 version 0.11 and tint2 and tintwizard on Fedora 16/15/14 using YUM. tint2 is very good option if you want add panel / task bar / task manager on Gnome 3.0 and Gnome 3.2 tint2 is a simple panel/taskbar and tint2 development follows freedesktop specifications. tint2 is unintrusive, light and very usefull panel/taskbar program. tint2 version 0.11 features panel with taskbar, systray, clock and battery status easy to customize : color/transparency on font, icon, border and background pager like capability : send task from one workspace to another, switch workspace multi-monitor capability : one panel per monitor, show task from current monitor customize mouse event window manager’s menu tooltip autohide clock timezones fake & real transparency Install tint2 and tintwizard 1.
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CentOS 5.5 Released – What’s new, Overview, Features, Screenshots

CentOS 5.5 is the fifth update to the CentOS 5 distribution series. It contains a lot of bugfixes, updates and new functionality. New Packages on CentOS 5.5 freeradius2 gsl postgresql84 python-dmidecode samba3x tunctl xz gpxe (x86_64 only) Some package updates exim 4.63 gcc 4.1.2 kernel 2.6.18 3.1.1 php 5.1.6 xen 3.0.3 yum 3.2.22 httpd 2.2.3 Most interesting update is PostgreSQL 8.4. Of course, many have used the 8.4 version of PostgreSQL on CentOS for a long time, but now it can also be found directly on CentOS 5.
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Upgrade to CentOS 5.11 from CentOS 5.10 (5.9, 5.8, 5.7, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0)

This is quick guide, howto upgrade to CentOS 5.11 from CentOS 5.10 (5.9, 5.8, 5.7, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0). 1. Change to root User su - ## OR ## sudo -i 2. Backup all important data Backup /etc diretory Backup important logs /var/log Backup web server configs and sites Dump MySQL databases Dump PostgreSQL databases Backup all what you need if something goes wrong 3. Check list of packages that are going to be updated yum list updates 4.
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